Muffin chocolate cake

It has been 2 weeks of adjusting myself and the kids with the lockdown period here in Kuala Lumpur. Since schools are closed, parents are called to go on Google Classroom with the kids to assist daily lessons. Phew...! I didn't expect home schooling is that tough, and it took me 2 weeks to get adjusted! It took me 5 hours to sit with the kids each day, doing revisions, projects and online assessment. At the end of each day, me and my husband are just exhausted. Nevertheless, we managed to get ourselves adjusted pretty well after 2 weeks. So, i am quite happy now to get back to the kitchen and get those baking trays out!

The first thing that i made yesterday was a bunch of muffins chocolate cake. I have always loved Jamie Oliver's chocolate brownies, but this time i feel something chocolaty but i don't feel like having brownies. So, i asked my daughter what would she like to have. Her suggestion was chocolate muffin plus cake. Well, that rings a bell. I found a cake muffin recipe sometime ago in a recipe magazine, but it didn't turn out quite well. I've tried making it a couple of times and making adjustments as i go, and i think it was not until the 4th time i get it as how i liked it. 

So, here i am sharing it with you something simple, a little dense and yet moist and 'cakey'.


113g semisweet chocolate bars
113g unsalted butter
   2    eggs
110g granulate sugar
55g   self-rising flour
45g   cocoa powder
1/2tsp salt


  1. Boil water in a large pan. 
  2. In a large bowl, combine chocolate bars with butter and put it in the boiling water. Let it melt, stirring it from time to time. It is important to make sure that the steam from the pan does not get into the chocolate mix. Once, the chocolate and butter are well mixed, take it out form the pan and put it aside. 
  3. Beat eggs and sugar together using a mixer at medium speed until the color turns pale and fluffy. I did not use a mixer as i love using the whisker. Usually, i will take about 6 to 8 minutes to whisk the eggs and sugar. 
  4. Slowly combine the egg mix with the chocolate mix, pouring it slowly as you stir the mixture. I mix it using a whisker to avoid over beating. 
  5. In a different bowl, shift the flour and cocoa powder together. Mix it well. Add salt. 
  6. Combine it with the chocolate mix slowly. I add a spoonful each time. 
  7. Mix it well until there's no crumbs in the batter. 
  8. Fill the batter in the muffin trays, 3/4 full and bake it for about 15-17 minutes at 180C. 
  9. Do not over bake as it will make your cake dry. 


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