Homemade Rice Noodles

My husband called me from the supermarket this noon telling me that almost everything was sold out. I was thinking of cooking some char kuey teow for lunch, but it seems unlikely to happen now. So, i googled for homemade rice noodles and i found very few recipes. Hmm...well, probably i should try to make some and see how it goes.

I made some slight changes to the actual recipe, as i want something thicker and more solid. To be honest, it is quite difficult to find a pack of rice noodles that is up to my liking. Most of it are quite thin and very oily. 

The process is not difficult but you might need a lot of patience. 😉 You might need at least two 7x7 glass container or something smaller depending on the size of your pan or wok. 

Let's start with the ingredients first. This makes enough for two. If you would like to make for more people, i would recommend you to make 2 batches of mixture (or more). It would be quite difficult for you to estimate the consistency of the mixture if you seldom use rice and tapioca flour.  


1 cup rice flour 
1/2 tsp salt 
1 1/2 tbsp corn flour or tapioca flour 
1 cup water 
1 tbsp Vegetable oil (plus more for brushing) 

  1. Add all the ingredients together and mix it. 
  2. Strain the liquid the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into another bowl. Let it rest for ablut 20-30 mins. 
  3. Fill your wok with water and let it boil. (Choose a rectangular glass container that will fit the wok. You will need to put the glass container in the work later and it should float on top of the bailing water).
  4. Brush a little coating of oil on the the flat bottom glass container and add approximately 1/4 cup of the mixture. Tilt slightly for the mixture to cover the entire container. As you practice doing it, you will have an idea how much mixture you would like to use in a container depending on how think you want it to be. 
  5. Put the container in the boiling water and cover the wok. Cook on high heat for 5-7 minutes.  
  6. Take out the container and set aside. You may need to use a few container to speed up the process. 
  7. Take out a cutting board and brush a layer of oil to prevent sticking. 
  8. Gently lift the noodle sheet and put it on the cutting board. Brush the top layer with oil. 
  9. Repeat the process until you have finish using the mixture. 
  10. Then, cut the noodles into 1/3 wide (or as how you would like it). Toss the noodles, loosening each layer to separate them. 
Now you have a homemade rice noodles ready to be used with your favourite sauce!

Beef soy sauce with rice noodles. 
**I didn't fry the noodles with the sauce because i do not want the noodle to break. 


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